This is hotter than the Great Singapore Sale!!
Messy games and more messy games? Heres the good news! NTU English Christian Fellowship offers more than just fun, games and sun! We have lined up a series of workshops which will help us further our walk with the Lord. Heres a sneak preview:
Kiasu Vs Excellence
"Die la, tomolo first day of school must quickly request for consultation with Professor already if not we sure lose out to the rest one..."
Really? In this society which is results-oriented, even students find themselves being flung onto the path of the Rat-race. How do we know the difference between being Kiasu and being excellent for God? On one hand we as students yearn to do well in examinations, but how do we know if we are bordering "kiasu-ism" and being overly competitive? What does the bible mean when it commands us to have a "spirit of excellence"?
Am I a faliure for sepllnig this worngly?
"Alamak, you sure the blogger from NTU anot? Cannot even spell the title of the workshop properly leh..."
Well, I believe you still get the message despite the failure (ahem, intended failure) in getting the spelling right? So am I considered "successful" in my attempt to get the message across? In this workshop, campers will be exploring what constitutes sucess and what constitutes failure. Campers will look at "success" and "failure" from various perspectives, such as the perspective of a University student, from society and also from a biblical standpoint.
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