ECF FOC: Working in Shops
Q: What will we be talking about at camp? Are we just gonna sit there and listen to some uh, boring sermon?
A: Not at this camp, no you won't! 'Cause besides our theme talks (which, btw, won't be mere 'I-talk-you-listen' sessions), we'll be having four workshops over Day 2 and 3 of camp. Here are the blurbs for your mulling purposes (you get to go for one per day only, so choose wisely! :)
Day 2
Rated R
Rated R
“Is she the one? I’m spoilt for choices – there is Esther, Shari, Rachel and so many others!”
“Elijah is so good-looking! And Daniel is so cute! Oh, Jim can speak French! So romantic…”
Just being friends has taken on a whole new meaning. What is the purpose of dating? Is it for the thrill, or is there something more to it? How do I even know if he or she is the One?
How should I treat my other half? Is the concept of ‘No Apologies’ outdated? How far should we go?
Jesus and Coffee: Do they mix?
My life is a testimony, others can see Jesus through my actions what!
Is it even possible to spread the Gospel through my daily conversations? Or am I just being irritating to the listener? How do I tell my friends about Jesus without being a weirdo? I want to be a Jesus-freak, not a Freak.
Day 3
Does Dean love me?
Does Dean love me?
“Isn’t being on the Dean’s list a good thing? The Bible says that everything I do is for God’s glory, so shouldn’t I do really well to make God proud? If I do badly, isn’t wouldn’t that be a bad testimony?”
“So what if I fail one or two modules? Ta-bao lah! Cutting classes is no big deal – I mean, I can study on my own. I’m here to just to get a basic degree and to network anyway.”
The Great Divide: Sacred vs Secular
I know I am a child of God. But how do I know what is my calling? Do I even have one?
Is it necessary to be involved in a Christian ministry? People are still people; I can minister to them wherever and whenever. If I choose not to serve, am I less holy or righteous than the person who is heavily involved in church?
Disclaimer: Any similarity of name and/or character is completely coincidental and may or may not bear relation to real-life people.
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